
Showing posts from June, 2021

Ground Improvement Options for Stabilization of Subgrade Soil

Sub-grade improvement is essential to the improvement of the underlying natural ground formation. Ground treatment is required in low soil locations. The naturally occurring subsoils will not support the embankment and rail system in the worse scenario. Based on additional considerations such as fill height, soil thickness and compressibility, time and expense, and other soft-ground soil treatment methods, different soft-ground soil treatment methods can be broadly classified as structural (rigid) and geotechnical solutions. Following methods of ground treatment can be adopted for various poor ground conditions: Vibratory surface compaction and Deep vibro-compaction Removal and replacement of soft cohesive deposits of limited thickness Preloading of existing soft/loose fill Preloading with vertical drains. Dynamic Replacement. Stone Column Piled Embankments in areas having soft soil to large depths Viaduct for high embankments on ground having very deep soft soils with organic deposits...

Disciplines in Engineering & Future Prospects of Engineer

Disciplines in Engineering & Future Prospects of Engineer So, you've decided to pursue a career in civil engineering but aren't sure which discipline appeals to you the most. Let's take a look at some of the technological fields in which you can specialize. • Structural Engineering Structural engineers are responsible for the design, planning, and supervision of new buildings and bridges. Alterations and expansions to existing structures are also a part of their work. For high buildings, they use steel from Steelbay Exchange. • Environmental Engineering Environmental engineers solve challenges in the realms of public health, waste disposal, and water and air pollution by applying engineering, soil science, biology, and chemistry concepts. Transportation engineers work on highways, streets, road lights, airports, and commuter trains, among other transportation systems. • Building and construction Involved mostly in the management of the stage of a projec...